Love Po:

Giving cancer patients something to make them smile.

We’re a registered charity offering free gifts and experiences to those living with cancer.
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Why we started Love Po…

In April 2013, Pauline Jolly, lovingly known as ‘Po’, was diagnosed with myeloma at the age of 46.

Po underwent two stem cells and a number of gruelling chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions. Sadly in 2018, Po passed away.

During living with cancer, Po always believed having something to look forward to was important, whether that was getting her hair done or a weekend away with the family. This charity hopes to help give cancer patients that ‘something to look forward to’. And every time we do, it will always be love Po.



We rely on donations to keep going. So, if you can donate a gift or experience let us know.

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Fundraising is important and allows us to be able to offer more; so get involved.

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